Return Policy

  • We guarantee satisfaction with every purchase. If you're not satisfied with a product, feel free to return it.

  • Our return and exchange policy extends for a generous 14 days from the date of order delivery.

  • To qualify for a return or exchange, products should be mostly unused, with at least 90% of the content remaining.

  • We process all return and exchange requests promptly, typically within 3 to 5 working days.

  • Please note, delivery charges for the original order are non-refundable.

  • Customers are responsible for any delivery charges incurred for exchanging products.

  • For orders exceeding Rs.5,000, we offer an exchange option, as these orders are not eligible for a refund.

  • In cases of damage, leakage, or receipt of the wrong product, we will cover all delivery charges related to the return or exchange.